MAS-2K is a product developed from the basic MAS model. The difference is that MAS-2K has two compartments. The product has been developed for transporting sorted glass. You can empty coloured and clear glass in the same vehicle without them getting mixed up. Of course, it is also possible to empty e.g. food waste with a high liquid content in one compartment and glass in the other.
The MAS-2K is divided into two compartments, 60/40. MAS-2K also enables emptying from the loading dock
Containers: 140 - 340 l in both compartments. Two containers can be emptied at the same time, one in each compartment.
The unit's container is emptied by tipping. A hydraulic hatch closes the small compartment during emptying to avoid mixing the contents of the fractions.

Salesman | Canada
Patrick Lalonde

NTM North America - Managing Director
Peter Stambro